Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I've been utterly tired the last few days to even think of making my little fingers work a tiny ounce to come up witha decent's called being tired. Although it has been a time to reflect, I have also made a few new discoveries....near the WPC Biz School, I found a green pot filled with a beautiful orange flower....and pink lobelias in the took me back remembering the times when Amma and I planted marigolds, impatiens, roses, lobelia(mine were purple), and also veggies.....i had quite the green thumb...i still plant when I get the chance which hasn't been in a while....but thanks to the maintenance guy at The Villas (my apt. complex), he has redone all the now time to jasmine bush (maali poos for u tamilians out there)has been putting out the most awesome fragrances....!!!

I decided to ponder - think about what to plant next....veggies aren't really my thing...i'm more of a flora person than any suggestions on what to plant for the upcoming fall?

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